The school policy is for full school
uniform. This has been agreed following full consultation between the
children, parents, governors and staff. Our school uniform is:
Girls |
Boys |
Navy blue v- neck sweater |
Navy blue trousers or skirt |
Dark grey trousers |
White shirt |
White shirt |
School tie with house stripe
White socks |
School tie with house stripe
Grey socks |
Black school shoes |
Black school shoes
Trainers are not
Boys |
White top |
Royal blue football shirt |
Black PE shorts (not cycle shorts)
Black Football shorts |
White socks |
Royal blue football socks |
Training shoes |
Training shoes |
Track pants |
Track pants
Year 5 Swimming: Towel and one-piece swimming
costume or trunks. Swimming caps are compulsory for both boys and girls.
We sell them in house colours.
Available from the School:
Navy-blue v-neck sweater £11.00
School Tie with house colour £ 3.00
Track pants
Swimming Caps £