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1.                 To enable children to gain an understanding of the past, with relations to themselves, their families, and the wider world.


2.                 To enable children to select, organise and communicate what they have learned about the past.

The humanities subjects comprises of programmes of study and level descriptions.


At Key Stage 2 & 3 pupils are taught breadths of study.


These elements are:-



Chronological Understanding

Knowledge of Understanding of events,

People and changes in the past.

Historical interpretation

Historical enquiry

Organisation and communication


Our pupils will work at levels appropriate to their ability. It is expected that most pupils will achieve Level 4 by age 11 and be working towards Level 6 by 14.

 In learning History the pupils will have the opportunity to:-



Learn about their personal history, families and generations.

Learn about Ancient Civilisations from their locality, Europe and the wider world.

Learn about important developments in Britain’s past

Learn about the past from a range of sources and evidence through investigation.

 In order to achieve the objectives of the Humanities curriculum the subject is taught in topics.

 Key Stage Two Curriculum Model -  History


Year 5

Year 6

Local History

Romans in Britain

Ancient Egypt

Vikings and Anglo Saxons

Britain Since 1930

Ancient Greece

 Key Stage Three Curriculum Model - History


Year 7

Year 8

History Skills

Making of The UK (Tudors)

The Roman Empire

Making of The UK (Stuarts)

Medieval Realms

American Indians

 Key Stage Two Curriculum Model – Geography


Year 5

Year 6

Biddulph and Beyond


Modern Egypt


Natural Environment


Weather and Climate




In Year 5 pupils are taught in form groups. Within these groups differentiation occurs as appropriate to individual needs.


In Years 6, 7 and 8 pupils are taught in ability groups. However, within these groups pupils will display a range of abilities. Thus the subject teacher will provide differentiated activities accordingly, through task, outcome, resources and additional support. The majority of sets at Key Stage Three are taught by humanities specialists. The main teaching rooms are 3,6 and 18.


There are cross-curricular links with other subjects, in particular ICT, Science, Literacy, Maths, Art and DT.



Learning activities are sequenced to ensure progression and are taught through a variety of approaches and styles.

These include:-

·        Teacher led sessions where information is provided.

·        Group work where the children discuss problems in small groups.

·        Class discussion lessons where members are encouraged to voice their own opinions.

·        The use of outside speakers with relevant expertise.

·        The use of audio visual aids including many aspects of ICT to present materials to the children, including artefacts and practicals.

·        Educational visits and fieldtrips.

·        Decision making exercises.

Use of published materials and teacher prepared materials.


Living history - Pupils studying the Second World War take part in a visit to the Severn Valley Railway.


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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06