Park Middle School  Park Middle School

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Curriculum and Subjects
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The Curriculum

 The curriculum is made up of all the opportunities for learning provided by the school. It includes the formal and planned programme of lessons, and extra-curricular activities and out of school activities including residential courses. The school aims to offer your child a broad, balanced curriculum which includes a wide range of activities that we feel important for the development of your child regardless of age, background, race, abilities or gender.

 In all areas of the curriculum we will aim to:

Promote achievement at its highest levels for each individual pupil.

Help all pupils develop their ability to become independent learners able to take responsibility for their own learning.

 Develop imaginative and creative responses and also critical and analytical capability in pupils.

  Generate enthusiasm, interest and enjoyment.


  Click on a link for more details on each subject.


bullet History
bullet Geography
bullet Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T.)
bullet Mathematics
bullet English
bullet Science
bullet Art
bullet Design and Technology
bullet Religious Education
bullet Music
bullet Physical Education
bullet German
bullet Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E.)  
bullet Extra Curricular Activities, Links with local business and residential courses.                                   




School Inclusion


Gifted and Talented


Home Up News Contents Introduction Information

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 12/20/06