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At Park Middle School PSHE is a whole school initiative.  After consultation with pupils, school council, parents and staff the PSHE programme changed in September 2004.  All teaching staff, including the Headteacher, is involved in the planning, preparation and presentation of the PSHE curriculum.


The PSHE programme has been divided into five areas (and five teams)

bullet Sex and Relationships Education
bullet Health
bullet The future/Careers
bullet Citizenship
bullet The Environment/Media/Current Affairs


The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s ‘Passport – A framework for personal and social development and social development’ has been used to provide the basis of skills, knowledge, attitude and values for the PSHE scheme.


PSHE is concerned with the personal development of each pupil installing positive self-concept, personal skills and managing relationships with others.  PSHE aims to complement and enhance what pupils experience in the rest of their school life.  We see the following as vital to instil in pupils for their future roles:- self esteem, self awareness, making the best choices, taking responsibility , promoting good relationships, contributing to the community and nurturing happy confident pupils.

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06