Park Middle School  Park Middle School

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Something exciting is happening in this school!



Park Middle School has a very good reputation for its music. Throughout the year the children who join the various music groups have the opportunity to perform not only in school but also to a wider audience. Over the past few years the many school music groups have performed in Stately homes, the Town Hall, the Victoria Hall, old peoples homes and many local schools. In addition, and perhaps the highlights, the school band has performed in Germany and Sweden.


 Apart from the high standard of teaching that the children receive through their curriculum entitlement we also provide an extensive range of peripatetic music lessons. The school currently pays for peripatetic music support for brass instruments (trumpet, trombone, saxophone), woodwind (clarinet and flute), strings (bass, violin, guitar) and percussion. At present the Governors charge £30 per term for peripatetic music lessons. This represents just one-third of the actual cost with the school paying the remainder.






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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06