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Gifted & Talented
Something exciting is happening in this school!





The School Atmosphere


At Park Middle School we are very proud of our positive climate with regards to success. Our rewards system encourages all pupils to work hard and all areas of endeavour are equally valued and recognised. ‘Special Mention Assemblies’ are held every week to celebrate achievement in all aspects of school life. Pupils at Park Middle School are encouraged to think for themselves and are involved in making decisions through the school council. The House, Prefect and Buddy systems that are in place allow pupils to lead their peers by example.


 Everyone at Park Middle School is committed to an inclusive approach to education that provides for an environment and curriculum which encourages all pupils, including the gifted and talented, to maximise their potential.

 his policy is intended to support the following aims;

·        The raising of aspirations for all students

·        High expectations of achievement for all students

·        Greater enterprise, self-reliance and independence for all students.


 According to the DfES a “gifted” pupil is one “who has the capacity for or demonstrates high levels of performance in one or more academic areas” and is in the top 5-10% of the pupil population; a “talented” pupil is one who is in the top 5-10% in non academic areas such as:

·        Physical talent

·        Artistic talent

·        Musical talent

·        Leadership qualities

·        High creativity

A “Gifted and Talented” pupil exhibits all round ability, across a wide variety of subjects.




At Park Middle School we use a range of strategies to identify pupils who are gifted and talented. These may vary depending on subject area, but will include elements of the following:


·        Tests and examination results including NFER, Cats, MidYIS, SATs, YELLIS and subject/module tests.

·        Information from previous schools

·        Teachers’ perceptions and observations

·        Parents’ perceptions and observations

·        Peer group nomination

·        Self nomination


Identification will be on going, never “once and for all.” Concerted efforts will be made to search out and address the needs of under achievers with latent high ability.


All pupils identified will be placed on the Gifted and Talented Register and both pupil and parent informed.

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 12/20/06