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In Religious Education at Park Middle School, pupils learn about the diversity of religious beliefs and practices around us so that they might understand and appreciate the views of others.


Throughout the four years, pupils are introduced to aspects of the major world faiths: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism though a wide range of activities including drama, role play, art, extended writing and educational visits. Pupils are also encouraged to discuss/debate moral issues which are of particular concern in the world today and they study, in depth, the lives of contemporary leaders of faith whose work in the community has greatly influenced the lives of others.    


Parents Rights to withdraw Children from RE and/or Collective Worship


Daily collective worship is a requirement of the Act, either as a whole school, or in groups.  At Park Middle School we blend individual class worship with whole school assemblies and inter-class worship.  These may draw upon readings, music, current events, television and radio programmes, guest speakers and the children’s class work and are taken by the Headteacher members of staff and invited guest.


Parents have a legal right to request that their child be withdrawn from lessons in Religious Education or from acts of collective workship. This is in consultation with the Headteacher.

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06