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Phys Ed
Something exciting is happening in this school!



Physical Education at Park is a subject that is taken very seriously. We have a dedicated team of staff who use the extensive facilities to teach enjoyable and progressive lessons and offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Many different sports including soccer, hockey, netball, rugby, cricket, rounders, dance, gymnastics and swimming (Y5) are studied.





The school has it’s own purpose built gymnasium, hall, outdoor hard surfaces, sports field and a brand new state-of-the-art Astroturf . Our aim is for every pupil to learn new skills and techniques so they enjoy many different forms of physical activity. The desire to continue this into adulthood will then enable them to become active, healthy citizens of the future. As ex US President John F. Kennedy said, “Physical fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence”.

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06