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The ICT Department has two permanent suites of computers, consisting of 26 and 16 respectively, RM Community Connect 3 Network workstations and a suite of 16 wireless laptops, which can be used in various locations around the school. All classrooms also have a single network workstation and all staff have their own laptop computer. In addition, most classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards, data projectors and full multi media audio/visual equipment.


Children use Windows XP and become confident with the use of software like Word, Publisher, Excel and PowerPoint though a range of other software is also in use.


During KS2, pupils use a wide range of ICT tools to support their work across other subjects. They develop their research skills and begin to question the quality of information and the audience it is aimed at. Children are taught to use the Internet and e-mail safely.


During KS3, pupils become more independent users of ICT. They become more efficient in their use of ICT resources and select appropriate software to carry out a range of increasingly more complex tasks.

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Copyright © 2005 Park Middle School
Last modified: 03/24/06